.. _couchapp-template: App Template ============ Most of the time, you will use ``couchapp generate`` to create a new CouchApp with the default directory layout, example functions, and vendor directories. If you find yourself creating multiple CouchApps that always contain the same third-party or in-house files and libraries, you might consider creating a custom app template containing these files and using the ``--template`` option of the generate command to create your customized CouchApps. After creating a new couchapp, you will have a project structure that looks something like `this template project `_. The following libraries_ are included with your new CouchApp by default. ``~/.couchapp`` --------------- Custom templates are stored as subdirectories under the ``~/.couchapp/templates`` directory. The name of the subdirectory is used in the ``--template`` option to specify which template files are to be used in the ``couchapp generate`` command. The default template name is *app*, so by creating ``~/.couchapp/templates/app`` and placing files and directories under that path, you can replace almost all of the default files created by ``couchapp generate``. Libraries --------- CouchDB API `jquery.couch.js`_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The JQuery library included with CouchDB itself for use by the Futon admin console is used to interact with couchdb. `Documentation `_ CouchApp Loader `jquery.couch.app.js`_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A utility for loading design document classes into your Javascript application Mustache_ ~~~~~~~~~ A simple template framework .. _Mustache: https://github.com/janl/mustache.js .. _jquery.couch.app.js: https://github.com/couchapp/couchapp/tree/master/couchapp/templates/vendor/couchapp/_attachments .. _jquery.couch.js: https://github.com/apache/couchdb-jquery-couch