.. _couchapp-config: Configuration ============= .. hightlight:: javascript ``.couchapprc`` --------------- Every CouchApp **MUST** have a ``.couchapprc`` file in the application directory. This file is a JSON object which contains configuration parameters that the command-line app uses to build and push your CouchApp. The ``couchapp generate`` and ``couchapp init`` commands create a default version of this file for you. The most common use for the ``.couchapprc`` file is to specify one or more CouchDB databases to use as the destination for the ``couchapp push`` command. Destination databases are listed under the ``env`` key of the ``.couchapprc`` file as follows: :: { "env" : { "default" : { "db" : "http://localhost:5984/mydb" }, "prod" : { "db" : "http://admin:password@myhost.com/mydb" } } } In this example, two environments are specified: ``default``, which pushes to a local CouchDB instance without any authentication, and ``prod``, which pushes to a remote CouchDB that requires authentication. Once these sections are defined in ``.couchapprc``, you can push to your local CouchDB by running ``couchapp push`` (the environment name ``default`` is used when no environment is specified) and push to the remote machine using ``couchapp push prod``. For a more complete discussion of the ``env`` section of the ``.couchapprc`` file, see the `Managing Design Documents `__ chapter of **CouchDB: The Definitive Guide**. The ``.couchapprc`` file is also used to configure extensions to the ``couchapp`` tool. See the :ref:`couchapp-extend` page for more details. ``~/.couchapp.conf`` -------------------- One drawback to declaring environments in the ``.couchapprc`` file is that any usernames and passwords required to push documents are stored in that file. If you are using source control for your CouchApp, then those authentication credentials are checked in to your (possibly public) source control server. To avoid this problem, the ``couchapp`` tool can also read environment configurations from a file stored in your home directory named ``.couchapp.conf``. This file has the same syntax as ``.couchapprc`` but has the advantage of being outside of the source tree, so sensitive login information can be protected. If you already have a working ``.couchapprc`` file, simply move it to ``~/.couchapp.conf`` and run ``couchapp init`` to generate a new, empty ``.couchapprc`` file inside your CouchApp directory. If you don't have a ``.couchapprc`` file, ``couchapp`` will display the dreaded ``couchapp error: You aren't in a couchapp`` message. ``~/.couchapp`` --------------- Please see :ref:`couchapp-template` ``.couchappignore`` ------------------- A ``.couchappignore`` file specifies intentionally untracked files that couchapp should ignore. It's a simple json file containing an array of regexps that will be use to ignore file. For example: :: [ ".*\\.swp$", ".*~$" ] will ignore all files ending in ``.swp`` and ``~``. Be sure to leave out the final , in the list. You can check if couchapp really ignores the files by specifying the -v option:: couchapp -v push .. note:: Windows doesn't like files that only have an extension, so creating the ``.couchappignore`` file will be a challenge in windows. Possible solutions to creating this file are: Using cygwin, type: touch .couchappignore cd /to/couchappand then notepad .couchappignore TODO: more information about other templates like vendor, view, etc.