.. _couchapp-usage: Command Line Usage ================== .. toctree:: .. highlight:: shell .. warning:: There are many undocumented commands. We need your help! Full command line usage ----------------------- :: Usage: couchapp [OPTIONS] [CMD] [CMDOPTIONS] [ARGS,...] Options: -d, --debug -h, --help --version -v, --verbose -q, --quiet Commands: autopush [OPTION]... [COUCHAPPDIR] DEST --no-atomic send attachments one by one --update-delay [VAL] time between each update browse [COUCHAPPDIR] DEST clone [OPTION]...[-r REV] SOURCE [COUCHAPPDIR] -r, --rev [VAL] clone specific revision generate [OPTION]... [app|view,list,show,filter,function,vendor] [COUCHAPPDIR] NAME --template [VAL] template name help init [COUCHAPPDIR] push [OPTION]... [COUCHAPPDIR] DEST --no-atomic send attachments one by one --export don't do push, just export doc to stdout --output [VAL] if export is selected, output to the file -b, --browse open the couchapp in the browser --force force attachments sending --docid [VAL] set docid pushapps [OPTION]... SOURCE DEST --no-atomic send attachments one by one --export don't do push, just export doc to stdout --output [VAL] if export is selected, output to the file -b, --browse open the couchapp in the browser --force force attachments sending pushdocs [OPTION]... SOURCE DEST --no-atomic send attachments one by one --export don't do push, just export doc to stdout --output [VAL] if export is selected, output to the file -b, --browse open the couchapp in the browser --force force attachments sending startapp [COUCHAPPDIR] NAME vendor [OPTION]...[-f] install|update [COUCHAPPDIR] SOURCE -f, --force force install or update version Commands -------- ``generate`` +++++++++++++ Allows you to generate a basic couchapp. It can also be used to create :ref:`template ` of functions. e.g.:: $ couchapp generate myapp $ cd myapp $ couchapp generate view someview ``init`` +++++++++ Initialize a CouchApp. When run in the folder of your application it create a default ``.couchapprc`` file. This file is needed by couchapp to find your application. Use this command when you clone your application from an external repository (``git``, ``hg``): :: $ cd mycouchapp $ couchapp init ``push`` ++++++++++ Push a couchapp to one or more CouchDB_ server. :: $ cd mycouchapp $ couchapp push http://someserver:port/mydb - ``--no-atomic`` option allows you to send attachments one by one. By default all attachments are sent inline. - ``--export`` options allows you to get the JSON document created. Combined with ``--output``, you can save the result in a file. - ``--force``: force attachment sending - ``--docid`` option allows you to set a custom docid for this couchapp ``pushapps`` +++++++++++++ Like ``push`` but on a folder containing couchapps. It allows you to send multiple couchapps at once. :: $ ls somedir/ app1/ app2/ app3/ $ couchapp pushapps somedir/ http://localhost:5984/mydb ``pushdocs`` +++++++++++++ Like pushapps but for docs. It allows you to send a folder containing simple document. With this command you can populate your CouchDB_ with documents. Anotther way to do it is to create a ``_docs`` folder at the top of your couchapp folder. .. _CouchDB: http://couchdb.apache.org ``startapp`` ++++++++++++ It's an alias of ``generate app NAME``, e.g.:: $ couchapp startapp myapp